-Testing Policies and Fees-
1. Distance Learning exams/proctor fees: $45 + $1.25 credit card fee.
2. Accuplacer/Placement Fees: $35. / $15 for each exam.
3. Platform’s exams: Fees and scheduling an appointment are through the vendor's website, for example, IELTS USA, Kryterion, National Testing Network, ProV, Pearson Vue, and PSI.
4. To schedule : contact TestingCenter@pnwtesting.com
5. ID Requirements : Bring a valid ID. (driver’s license, state ID, passport).
6. Exam Receipt/ Confirmation : Bring a printed copy of email receipt.
7. Digital Lockers and Parking : Provided these one for free.
8. No food / drinks : Unless approved by vendor’s policy team.
9. Prohibited Items : Electronics such as cell phones, watches, or any other unapproved devices prohibited in the testing room.
10. As a precaution, only the examinee is allowed to enter into the testing center, all others will not be allowed to enter. ​​​​​
* Please make sure you have childcare on the day of your exam.
Visa and Master card Accepted for Payments